The Sentinel Health, Safety, Environmental and Security (HSES) System is SSG’s one-stop-shop for compliance that is geared toward the small business owner.   Our approach begins with a meeting with the key decision makers for the business to better understand your needs and budget.  This is followed by a multi-media GAP Assessment to ensure we both understand all regulatory facets which apply to your business.    The next step is to outline the necessary needs of the site, an action plan, and a compliance calendar outlining those needs and responsibilities.  Then we begin our work as your partner in risk and compliance by working the plan that has been established and custom fit for your site to meet your OSHA, EPA, DOT and Security program, regulatory and training needs.

The Sentinel Safety System provides a basic framework and platform from which a customized health & safety program and process can be assembled and implemented for your business to help you meet your needs, goals and budget.

The Sentinel Safety System is a 4 Phase Process that follows the Plan, Do, Check, Act philosophy. Its simple, effective and it works.

Phase I: Initial Consult
The process begins with the initial consult meeting where we discuss and explore your business providing a fundamental understanding of overall business needs, budget, short and long term goals, key players, and KPI’s.

Phase II: Gap Assessment
The most efficient way to know and understand the status of your health and safety program is to perform a compliance audit and gap assessment for your business. This allows us to identify what is in place and where gaps exist so that a plan can be established.

Phase III: Safety Planning
Once the gap assessment report is prepared our consultant will review the gaps, recommend corrective actions and priority with your team.  From there a detailed plan will be developed.

Phase IV: Corrective Actions and Program Maintenance
The final phase is simply putting the plan in motion and working the plan to ensure robust corrective actions are implemented with periodic system checks to keep your organization on track.

Program and service offerings typically included:

Leaders in the risk management industry. Your reliable partner for top-notch solutions and unwavering commitment to excellence.



(888) 884-5698